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Solen Information
Current as of 10-13-2002

Table of Contents
Black Solen(Felucca)
Black Solen Spawn Maps
Black Solen Ant Holes
Red Solen(Trammel)
Red Solen Spawn Maps
Red Solen Ant Holes
Solen Hive
Solen Queen and Matriarch Quests
Other Creatures
Green Thorns
The Naturalists
The Hag
Zeefzorpul Maps
The Collector
Conversation Event Dialogue Boxes
Plague Beast Lord Surgery
Water Purification
New: Hag Quest Walkthrough
New: Collector Quest Walkthrough
New: Plague Beast Lord Surgery
New: Water Purification
New: Zeefzorpul Maps

The Solen apparently used to be regular ants until's the meer's failed decay spell somehow made them all intelligent. They come in black(Felucca) and red(Trammel) versions. Below is some some documentation on both. - Many images to load. Patience.

Black Solen(Felucca):

Black Solen are identicle to their red brothers in most all aspects with the exception of appearance. Due to some graphical problem with the release of Week 2, LBR clients will see black Solen as though they were using the Renaissance client(Where Solen will appear as black Terrathan). You can learn more about Black Solen and other new Solen-associated creatures at: Solen Creatures.

Black Solen Spawn Maps - Felucca Great Lakes

These are maps of black Solen spawn locations in Felucca. Each of these spawn sites were visited for a short time and all Solen encountered were marked on the map where they where found. The maps are layed out this way in an attempt to display the outlines and central area of the spawns, and give you a general idea of what to expect from a visit there. To reduce loading time, the maps have been moved to their own page.

Black Solen Spawn Maps

Black Solen Ant Holes - Felucca Great Lakes

You cannot "fall" into an ant hole. To investigate an ant hole, you must stand near or on it and double-click the hole. Not all ant holes go to the hive. A picture of holes that don't go to the hive is shown to the right. These are maps to Black Solen ant holes in Felucca. Almost all Solen ant hole locations have moved, and continue to change, so these maps will be taken down soon. Browse them anyway if you like.

Black Solen Ant Holes

Red Solen(Trammel):

Red Solen are identicle to their black brothers in most all aspects with the exception of appearance. You can learn more about Red Solen and other new Solen-associated creatures at: Solen Creatures.

Red Solen Spawn Maps - Trammel Great Lakes

These are maps of red Solen spawn locations in Trammel. Each of these spawn sites were visited for a short time and all Solen encountered were marked on the map where they where found. The maps are layed out this way in an attempt to display the outlines and central area of the spawns, and give you a general idea of what to expect from a visit there. To reduce loading time, the maps have been moved to their own page.

Red Solen Spawn Maps

Red Solen Ant Holes - Trammel Great Lakes

You cannot "fall" into an ant hole. To investigate an ant hole, you must stand near or on it and double-click the hole. Not all ant holes go to the hive. A picture of holes that don't go to the hive is shown to the right. These are maps to Black Solen ant holes in Felucca. Almost all Solen ant hole locations have moved, and continue to change, so these maps will be taken down soon. Browse them anyway if you like.

Red Solen Ant Holes

The Solen Hive:

The Solen Hive can be accessed from ant holes all over Britannia. This is the playground where most of your Solen activities such as quests take place. There are 4 main lairs, a matriarch's lair, and a secret egg nest which can only be accessed by planting a green thorn in the sand and jumping down the hole.

Other Creatures:

Appearing also with with the Solen, come Ant Lions and Giant Beetles. These are truely exotic beasts and can be seen by going to: Solen Creatures.

Green Thorns:

Green thorns are the new resource that have been released with this scenario. "What do they have to do with the scenario?" you ask? Well, I suppose they were releaed with it and that's good enough! These resources can be produced by bright green snakeplants and single-barrel cacti. They produce an amazing number of effects. To learn them all, see:

Green Thorns

About the Conversation Event dialoge box:

With Scenario 5, a new form of quest dialogue was implemented: The Conversation Event. Conversation Events are used to convey conversation, story narration, and emoted actions. When you speak to any Scenario 5 quest characters or perform quest tasks, you will become quite familiar with them.

This is the Quest Offer dialogue. It comes with "Accept" and "Decline" options when initial quest background is given.

This is the Conversation Event dialogue. You'll see it throughout the various quests you participate in.

The Naturalists:

The Naturalists are coming out to express their interest in the newly-emerged Solen, and they'd like to enlist the help of players to accomplish their research goals. Below, you can learn more about:

The Naturalists

Queen and Matriarch Quests:

Here are a couple of our featured Solen Quest Walkthroughs:

Take the Solen Queen Quest Walkthrough.

Take the Solen Matriarch Quest Walkthrough.

The Hag:

An old hag has been found on the forests South of Yew. She's been sending brave adventurers off to perform errands for her. Learn more about the Hag below:

The Hag

If you're already experienced with the Hag quest and would like to go straight to the Zeefzorpul maps, you'll want to go here:

Zeefzorpul Maps

The Collector:

Elwood McCarrin loves to collect! He collects everything he can get his hands on. If you happen to meet him in a tavern, he might mistake you for an old friend and enlist your assistance. He is a tad looney, you see. Learn more about The Collector below:

The Collector

Plague Beast Lord Surgery:

Plague Beasts and Plague Beast Lords can currently be found in the various swamps of Britannia. In order to get a mutation core from a beast lord, you'll need to perform surgery. Learn how below:

Plague Beast Lord Surgery

The Water Purification Quest:

A little documentation on this obscure quest:

Water Purification

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